Akhirnya paper selesai. Lega banget rasanya. Jadi inget perasaan tiap abis selesai ujian jaman sekolahan dulu. Rasanya dunia jadi indah, senyum selalu menghiasi wajah, dan kepala sibuk mikir...hemm...where should I (shop/eat/date/hang out/pick up guys) today?
Just come back from my "unintended" autumn shopping. Feel a little bit guilty, but hey..I deserve 2 sweaters and 2 new tops after writing 60 pages in 10 day, don't I?
So now, just going to spend the rest of afternoon watching Friends, and try to re-call all the blogs idea that I had to put aside during the 10 days of living nightmare. Soon will be writing again, not for any "why did I decide to do a PhD anyway" kind of paper, just for fun and for my sanity...hehehe. :)
Just come back from my "unintended" autumn shopping. Feel a little bit guilty, but hey..I deserve 2 sweaters and 2 new tops after writing 60 pages in 10 day, don't I?
So now, just going to spend the rest of afternoon watching Friends, and try to re-call all the blogs idea that I had to put aside during the 10 days of living nightmare. Soon will be writing again, not for any "why did I decide to do a PhD anyway" kind of paper, just for fun and for my sanity...hehehe. :)
Congrats pit, you manage to finish everything, I knew you can do it :)
Glad to hear the good news, glad to have you back, looking forward for your stories :)
Anonymous, at October 29, 2005 1:40 AM
wah selamat-selamat, eh eh kalo sukses pick up guysnya bagi-bagi dong *alah*
Anonymous, at October 29, 2005 10:42 AM
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